Meet the Authors

Patricia E. Tully


Hello there! My name is Patricia E. Tully but most folks call me Patricia. I am a sinner saved by God’s grace, the eldest of a family of eleven and an aspiring author. I love to play music (mandolin and piano) and talk with my best friends Hope and Sarah. I also like books. And tea. I’m a tea snob and prefer tea way above coffee, though I will drink that too. I love to read and can’t possibly pick a favorite author. I enjoy writing fiction, literary essays and articles.

Hope E. Arendse


Howdy there!

I am 16, going on 17.

I like banjos. I even attempt to play them sometimes!

I love: Tea, COFFEE!, reading, goats, chickens, books, music, J.R.R. Tolkien, G.K. Chesterton, A.A. Milne, C. S. Lewis, and G. A. Henty, and literary adventures/mysteries, etc. (I’ve apparently got a thing for dead british authors with numerous first initials…)

(Sarah: ” You sure they are all dead? It would be awkward for a live person to find himself on your dead list.”

Hope: *Quickly mutters names* “Yep. They’re all dead!”)

I am a farm girl. Usually, you can find me reading, drawing, playing with goats, baking, sewing, or researching my latest project. (At the library…) I also have a weird sense of humor, If anyone were to mention “Quail Pie” I would probably not be able to stop laughing. I love the Pickwick Papers. (Does anybody still read those?)  If a book is out of print, and was written in 18-something, I will most likely enjoy it. I am a Reformed Doctrine believing homeschool graduate.

Thanks for listening. This has been your author. Over and out.

*Sighs in relief*

(This sounds a lot like a confession. *Disclaimer* I am not being forced by anyone other than my sister to write these facts. I do it because she will figuratively decapitate me if I don’t. 😉

{Just kidding. I love you, Sarah! }

Sarah L. Arendse


Hey there! I’m Sarah Leana. I’m a sinner saved by grace, an aspiring writer, a photographer and musician. Since I don’t feel like writing a whole paragraph, here are some random things about me:

~ I love Broadway.

~ I don’t drink coffee.

~ I do however drink tea. XD

~ I love books.

~ Scottish culture fascinates me.

~ I’m usually thought to be the older sister. 

~(But I only act grown up in public. Shh.)

~ I’m an extrovert, unlike the other two writers on this blog. XD

~ I love 40’s + 50’s fashion!

~ I shoot Nikon.  😉 

~ I have a song for just about everything, and will usually spontaneously burst into song at the appropriate moments. 

~ I play the piano, guitar, hammered dulcimer and fiddle.

~ I usually find inspiration in the middle of the night, so most of my ‘best works’ are in ‘notes’ on my iTouch. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you stop and stay a while! XD

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